Commencement Date
Completion Date
The Australian and NSW governments are funding the Rankin Park to Jesmond section of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass. Fulton Hogan Construction Pty Ltd started building the project in March 2023. The project will take three years to complete, weather permitting.
The project involves building a 3.4 kilometre four-lane divided road including:
• A northern interchange at Newcastle Road
• An interchange providing access to the John Hunter Hospital precinct
• A southern interchange at Lookout Road
• Structures to improve connectivity in the bushland for people and animals
• Off-road provisions for pedestrians and cyclists.
Memba Civil have been contracted to complete the following scope of works:
ASP Works – Ausgrid and Street Lighting Utility Relocations;
7No. Ausgrid relocation packages inclusive of the following.
– Underboring.
– Trenching and conduit installation.
– High Voltage, low voltage and street lighting works.
– Cable supply and installation.
– Pole supply and installation.
– Overhead works.
– Cable jointing & termination.
– Testing and commissioning.
– Coordination with Ausgrid.
Excavation for manhole construction.
Installation of underbores.
Trenching for Telstra relocations.